Our Vision

We envision a future where everyone has access to the tools and support they need to nourish their mental and physical health while living and working sustainably on our beautiful planet.

Reimagining a future that works for us all.

Our Guiding Principles

Inspired by the thinkers, teachers, and storytellers of our past and present.

Changing our direction of travel

In order to thrive in the 21st century it is necessary to reclaim our relationships to our minds and bodies, the food that we eat, the information we consume, and how we choose to spend our time. This is nothing less than the reclamation of our agency, autonomy, courage, and our sense of purpose.

Synthesising old & new solutions

We have access to an abundance of intelligence, information, and technology. Our task is to synthesise ancient wisdom with modern techniques, thus allowing our true nature as wise, compassionate, and innovative beings to emerge. This catalyses sustainable lifestyles on our planet.

Shift from a zero-sum game mindset to an infinite game mindset

Shifting the objective from a zero-sum game, where one person’s gain is another person’s loss, to an infinite-game is the only way for future generations to win.

Business as a force for good

Redefining the future of business as a force of good requires actively balancing reciprocity with profitability.

Return to Community

Reignite participation in the real town square of life by rebuilding local communities that can support the future of our individual health and communal wellbeing.

Come Alive

Humans thrive when offering their time, presence, and skill in contribution to the pursuit of something bigger than themselves. The goal is to create opportunities for entering into states of “flow” wherein we become so immersed in an activity that we lose track of time, becoming fully attuned to the present moment.

Open source framework

We need to co-create an open-source, regenerative way of living with the wisdom keepers of today. This framework is non-prescriptive, free from judgement, meets one where they are, rigorously ethical, and improves as more people give to and receive from it.

“We cannot scale this, we cannot broadcast this, we can do it person to person through live embodied encounters.”

- Douglas Rushkoff

Founder of Team Human & Professor of Media Theory and Digital Economics at NYU